Podemos generar una lista de los recursos compatidos en un PC o incluso en todo un dominio usando el siguiente script, el cual debe almacenarse en un archivo de texto con extensión wsf, luego ejecutarlo con doble clic y seguir las instrucciones.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
	ShareEnum.WSF, version 2.1.  
	Alan dot Kaplan at VA dot gov.
	This script generates a list of shares
	<job id="LaunchCscript" prompt="no">
		<?job error="false" debug="false" ?>
This job ensures that the script launches as CScript.
This script audits Windows shares and permissions. It does not get the NTFS security.
You can double click the script to launch.  No arguments are required. 
On a workstation with Excel installed, the log will be an Excel file.  Otherwise,
it will be a tab delimited file.

		<script id="LaunchCscript" language="VBScript">
'Launch FrontEnd in Cscript 
Dim wshShell, Command
dim quote
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd.exe /c color 17&title " & WScript.ScriptName &" Status Messages& cscript.exe " & quote & wscript.ScriptFullName & quote & " //job:FrontEnd //nologo"
wshShell.Run Command,1,False
	<job id="FrontEnd" prompt="no">
		<?job error="true" debug="true" ?>
This job provides the menu choices, and get the source 
computer names to pass to the main script.
This audits your shares. Please run from GUI by double clicking on it. 

Alan Kaplan
Alan dot Kaplan at va dot gov
		<script id="MenuChoices" language="VBScript">
'This is the job that gives you choices about how to call the working code 
Option Explicit

Dim message, batch
dim logfile
Dim scriptpath
dim fso
Dim appendout
'setup log
Const ForAppend = 8

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim wshShell:Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim quote:quote=chr(34)
dim squote:squote=Chr(39)

Dim Command, oScriptExec
Dim strRetval
Dim strScope

Dim strComputer, strProg, strArgs
Dim strMessage, strCL, strLogfile
Dim oFile

Dim oExcelApp 
Dim strFilePath
Dim bExcelInstalled:bExcelInstalled = False

Dim d ' Create dictionary
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim i, sADSPath
Dim root
Dim oConn, oCommand

Dim strExt:strExt = ".txt" 	'set the log extension to .txt.  If Excel installed, will change to .xls

If (Not IsCScript()) Then 		'If not CScript, re-run with cscript...
	WshShell.Run "CScript.exe " & quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & quote, 1, True
End If

On Error Resume Next 
Set oExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
If Err =  0 Then bExcelInstalled = True
On Error GoTo 0

strComputer = ucase(wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%"))
strMessage = "This script is an alternative to SysInternals' ShareEnum program.  It enumerates shares and share permissions on computer(s). " & _
"You can check a single machine, a list from a text file, or from computers found in Active Directory.  It uses WMI to query security, so you must have admin rights to do this. " & _
VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "When checking multiple computers the results are logged to an Excel file or a tab delimited text file where Excel is not installed, so " & _ 
"running this from an administrator's workstation with Excel will give you a better user experience. " 

strRetval = MsgBox(strMessage,vbOKCancel,"ShareEnum script, Alan Kaplan")
If strRetval = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit

strMessage = "The script excludes windows admin shares such as C$.  Do you want to also exclude print spooler shares (print$)?"
strRetval = msgbox(strMessage,vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion,"Filter out Print$?")
If strRetval = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit
dim bExcludePrinters: bExcludePrinters= False
if strRetVal = vbYes then bExcludePrinters = True

strMessage = "1) Check a single computer (includes this one)" & VbCrLf & _
			 "2) Check a list of computers in text file" & VbCrLf & _
			 "3) Check computers from Active Directory" & VbCrLf & _
			 "4) Check a list of systems I type in" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _
			 "0) Quit"
strMessage = strMessage & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "[You're logged on as " & ucase(wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%]"))	 
strRetval = InputBox(strMessage,"Enter Choice, then click OK")

Select Case strRetval
	Case 1 	'single
		Command = "wscript.exe " & quote & wscript.ScriptFullName & quote & " //job:MainScript //nologo"
		batch = False
		strArgs = " /UseExcel:" & bExcelInstalled &  " /NoPrinters:" & bExcludePrinters
		WshShell.Run Command & strArgs ,1,False
	Case 2 'list from file
		If bExcelInstalled Then 
			strFilePath = ExcelOpenDialog("Choose text file with list of computers", "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt" ) 
			If strFilePath = vbNullString then  WScript.Quit
			strFilePath = InputBox("Enter path to text file with list of computers","Path")
		End If 
		On Error GoTo 0 
	Case 3 'From AD
	Case 4  'From typed list
	Case Else
		 WScript.Quit(100) 'Something bad happened.
End Select


' ========= Functions and Sub ===============
Function PingReply(strComputer)
	If UCase(strComputer) = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%") Then
		PingReply = True 'don't use WMI to ping local host (it fails)
		Exit Function 
	End If 
	Wscript.echo VbCrLf & "Pinging " & strComputer & " ... "
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objWMI, colPings, objPing
    PingReply = False
    Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set colPings = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '" & strComputer & "'")
    For Each objPing in colPings
        If objPing.StatusCode = 0 Then 
	        PingReply = True 
	        Exit For
        End If 
    On Error Goto 0
End Function

Sub UserList()
	dim strPCList, arrComputers
	On Error Resume Next
    strPCList = InputBox("Run script on this list of computers, separated by commas:","Enter List") 
    arrComputers = split(strPCList,",")
    For i = 0 To ubound(arrComputers)
    	If Len(arrComputers(i)) > 1 Then PingFirst arrComputers(i)
 	On Error GoTo 0
 	If bExcelInstalled Then 
 		strRetval = MsgBox("Script complete.  The logfile is " & logfile & ".", vbInformation + vbOKOnly,"Done")
 	End If 
End Sub 

Function ExcelOpenDialog( sPrompt, sFilter ) 
	'Based on code by Michael Hardt 
   	Dim sFile 
   	sFile = oExcelApp.GetOpenFilename( sFilter, , sPrompt ) 
   	Set oExcelApp = Nothing 
   	'Cancel or no file name? 
   	If sFile <> False Then 
      	ExcelOpenDialog = sFile 
     	 ExcelOpenDialog = vbNullString 
   	End If 
End Function 

Sub FromFile()	
	'read names from file
	If Not FSO.FileExists(strFilePath) Then
	   	MsgBox   strFilePath & " not found.",vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"Error"
	End If 
	Wscript.echo "Reading names from file " & strFilePath
	On Error Resume Next
	Set oFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strFilePath)
	If Err <> 0 Then
	   MsgBox  "Error opening " & strFilePath & Space(1) & Err.Description,vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"Error"
	End If
	Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream
	    PingFirst oFile.ReadLine
	On Error GoTo 0
	If bExcelInstalled Then SaveAsExcel()
End Sub

Sub EnumOU()
	'Get the default ADsPath for the domain to search. 
	Set root = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
	sADSPath = root.Get("defaultNamingContext")
	'Connect to Active directory and search setup
	Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	Set oCommand =   CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
	oConn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
	Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn
	oCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
	oCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL
	strMessage = "You will be presented with a menu with which you will select a starting point in AD." & _
		  "The directory query returns all selected computer objects at that OU and below. Do you want to check share permissions on:" & VbCrLf & _
				"1) All Systems" & VbCrLf & _
				"2) Servers Only" & VbCrLf & _
				"3) Workstations Only" & VbCrLf & _
				"0) Quit"
	strRetval = InputBox(strMessage, "Scope",1)
	Select Case strRetval
		Case 1
			strScope = ""
		Case 2	'contains the word server
			strScope = " and OperatingSystem='*Server*'"
		Case 3 'does not contain the word server
			strScope = " and Not OperatingSystem ='*Server*'"
	End Select
	strMessage = "Start OU navigation where?"
	sADSPath = InputBox(strMessage,"Starting ADS Path",sADSPath)
	If sADSPath = "" Then
		MsgBox  "You failed to provide required information.",vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"No OU Selected"
		Exit Sub 
	End If 
	SearchDom sADSPath
End Sub	

sub SearchDom(sADSPath)
	Dim oRS
	Dim iChoice, logfile
	i = 1

	oCommand.CommandText = _
	    "SELECT Name, distinguishedname FROM 'LDAP://"& sADSPath &"' WHERE objectClass='organizationalUnit'"  
	Set oRS = oCommand.Execute
	If oRS.EOF = True Then	'no more OUs under.  Exit
		Exit Sub
	End If 
	Do Until oRS.EOF
		'Add the name and the dn -- here ADSPath to dictionary.
	    d.Add i &") " &  oRS.Fields("Name").Value, oRS.Fields("distinguishedname").Value
	    i = i + 1 
	iChoice = d.Keys              ' Get the keys.
	strMessage =""		'Build the menu
	For i = 0 To d.Count -1 ' Iterate the names 
	    strMessage = strMessage &   iChoice(i) & vbcrlf
	strMessage = strMessage & _
		"      --- Current Path ---- " & vbcrlf & _
	 "0) " & sADSPath & VbCrLf  
	iChoice = InputBox(strMessage,"Enter Choice",0)
	If iChoice = "" Then Exit Sub
	If iChoice = 0 Then 
		Exit Sub
	End If 
	'okay.  This is a kludge. You could do this with a multidimensional array
	'or even a recordset. But it was fast and easy!
	Dim a,b
	a = d.Items
	b = d.Keys	'Cleaning up from menu stuff to get logfile

	If (iChoice-1) <= UBound(a) Then  
		sADSPath = a(iChoice-1)
	End If 
	d.RemoveAll		'Clear the dictionary
	searchDom sADSPath
End Sub

Sub GetADNames
	On Error Resume Next 
	Dim oRS
	oCommand.Properties("SearchScope") =2
	oCommand.Properties("Sort On") = "Name"
	'using SQL syntax.  Would need to switch to LDAP syntax if you want to exclude disabled objects
	oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Name, distinguishedname FROM 'LDAP://"& sADSPath &"' WHERE objectCategory='Computer'" & strScope 
	WScript.Echo "Getting list, please wait..."
	'WScript.Echo oCommand.CommandText
	Set oRS = oCommand.Execute
	If oRS.EOF = True Then	'no more OUs under.  Exit
		Exit Sub
	End If 
	Do Until oRS.EOF
		PingFirst oRS.Fields("Name").Value
	On Error GoTo 0
	If bExcelInstalled Then SaveAsExcel()
End Sub 

Sub PingFirst(strComputer)
	StrComputer = ucase(Trim(strComputer))
	If PingReply(strComputer) = True Then
		Wscript.echo strComputer & " replied to ping." 
		RunScript strComputer
		'Wscript.echo strComputer & " failed to reply to ping."   	
		'Optional - log ping failures
		EchoAndLog strComputer & String(6,vbTab) & "Failed to ping"
	End If 
End Sub

Sub RunScript(strcomputer)
	WScript.Echo "Checking " & strComputer
	strArgs = strComputer & Space(1) & quote & logfile & quote & " /UseExcel:" & bExcelInstalled &  " /NoPrinters:" & bExcludePrinters
	Command = "cscript.exe " & quote & wscript.ScriptFullName & quote & " //T:120 //job:MainScript " & strArgs
	wshShell.Run Command,7,True 
	WScript.Sleep 500
End Sub

Function IsCScript()
    If (InStr(UCase(WScript.FullName), "CSCRIPT") <> 0) Then
        IsCScript = True
        IsCScript = False
    End If
End Function

Sub LogSetup()
	'create a suggest log file name.
	If bExcelInstalled Then strExt = ".xls"
	scriptpath = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, "\"))
	logfile = scriptpath & left(WScript.ScriptName,Len(WScript.ScriptName)-4)& "_Log" &  strExt
	logfile = InputBox ("Log file","Log",logfile)
	If fso.FileExists(logfile) Then 
		MsgBox logfile & " exists, please use a different name",vbOKOnly,"File Exists"
	End If
	'no XLSX
	strExt = lcase(Mid(logfile, InStr(logfile,".")))
	If Len(strExt) > 4 And InStr(strExt,"xls") Then 
		retval = MsgBox("Changing file type to supported type, .xls.",vbOKCancel + vbInformation,"Unsupported Log Filetype")
		If retval = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit
		strExt = ".xls"
	End If 
	'Allow user to force text file where Excel is installed.
	If bExcelInstalled And strExt = ".txt" Then
		strRetval = MsgBox ("Excel is installed.  Are you sure you want to save log as tab delmited text?",vbyesnocancel,"Log Filetype", _
		vbyesnocancel,"Force Text Type?") 
		If strRetval = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit
		If strRetval = vbYes Then bExcelInstalled = False
	End If 
End Sub 

Sub EchoAndLog(message)	'only used when ping fails.  Open and close Log
	Dim addheader:addheader = True 
	If fso.FileExists(logfile) Then AddHeader = False
	Set appendout = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, ForAppend, True)
	If AddHeader = True Then appendout.WriteLine "Computer Name	Share Name	Local Path	Trustee	Permissions	UNC Path	Errors"
	'Echo output and write to log
	Wscript.Echo message
	AppendOut.WriteLine message
End Sub 

Sub SaveAsExcel()
	If isobject(appendout) Then Set appendout = Nothing 'should close if required
	Dim strFileName: strFileName = LCase(logfile)
	WScript.Sleep 3000
	Const xlnormal = -4143
	Const xlAscending = 1
	Const xlDescending = 2
	Const xlYes = 1
	const xlSortValues = 1
    Const xlCellTypeLastCell = 11
	Const xlDown = -4121
	Const xlSolid  = 1
	Dim oXL, objRange, objRange2
	Dim Selection, xCell
	'This should not happen
	If Not fso.FileExists(strFileName) Then 
		MsgBox strFileName & " not found!",vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"No Log found"
	End If 
	On Error Resume Next
	Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
	oXL.Visible = False
	oXL.DisplayAlerts=False ' don't display overwrite prompt.
	Set objRange = oXL.Worksheets(1).UsedRange
	'Sort by name
	Set objRange2 = oXL.Range("A2")
	objRange.Sort objRange2, xlAscending,,,,,, xlYes

	'This code makes creates hyperlinks for the UNC paths
	Dim oWS: Set oWS = oXL.ActiveSheet
 	' adaption of VBA code found on web
	Set Selection = oXL.Range("F2:F" & OXL.ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row)
	For Each xCell In Selection
		If Len(xCell.formula) > 0 Then  oXL.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add xCell, xCell.Formula

	Set Selection = Nothing
 	' Change color of header row to white letters with blue blackground
 	' adaption of VBA code found on web
	Set Selection = oXL.Range("A1:G1")	
	With OWS.Cells(Selection.Row, Selection.Column).Resize(, Selection.Columns.Count)
	    With .Interior
	       		.ColorIndex = 49
	       		.Pattern = xlSolid
	    End With
	    With .Font
	        	.ColorIndex = 2
	    End With
	End With
	oWS.Name = "Shares Info"
	oXL.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs strFileName,xlnormal,,,,,,,True 'overwrite existing

	strMessage = "Script complete.  The logfile is " & logfile & _
	 ".  It contains only the names of systems with shares or error messages. Open log now?"
	strRetval = MsgBox(strMessage,vbInformation+ vbYesNo,"Finished")
	If strRetval = vbYes Then 
		oXL.Visible = True
	End If 
End Sub 

	<job id="MainScript" prompt="no">
		<?job error="false" debug="false" ?>
This is the part of the script that collect ths share information.  It is called by the frontend job.
		<script id="MainScript" language="VBScript">
' ******** Script to embed begins here
'Alan Kaplan 3-23-2007, 9/5/12
'All the interesting parts of the WMI security coding was written by Chris Wolf

Option Explicit
Dim batch, strcomputer
Dim oWMI, colitems,  message, strTime, strFullTime, strDisplay
Dim fso, i,appendout
Dim quote: quote=chr(34)
Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim colShares, objShare
Dim retval, oTrustee, Trustee
Dim DACL, wmiShareSec, wmiSecurityDescriptor, wmiACE
Dim AceType, PermType, SharePerm
Dim logfile 
Dim bExcelInstalled
Dim bExcludePrinters
bExcelInstalled = CBool(WScript.Arguments.Named("UseExcel"))
bExcludePrinters = CBool(WScript.Arguments.Named("NoPrinters"))

If WScript.Arguments.unnamed.Count >0 Then
	strComputer = WScript.Arguments(0)
	batch = True 
	Const ForAppend = 8
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	logfile = WScript.Arguments(1)

	Dim AddHeader: AddHeader = True
	If fso.FileExists(logfile) Then AddHeader = False
	Set appendout = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, ForAppend, True)
	If AddHeader = True Then appendout.WriteLine "Computer Name	Share Name	Local Path	Trustee	Permissions	UNC Path	Errors"
	batch = False
	strComputer = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")
	strComputer = InputBox("Check Shares on what PC","Computer Name",strComputer)
End If 

If strcomputer = "" Then WScript.Quit
strComputer = UCase(strComputer)

' connect to computer 
On Error Resume Next
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
If Err <> 0 Then
	errhandler "Could not get information " & Err.Description
	' enumerate normal shares
	Set colShares = oWMI.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Share where type = 0")

	' display ACE
	For Each objShare In colShares

		Set wmiShareSec = oWMI.Get ("Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name='" & objShare.Name & "'")
		RetVal = wmiShareSec.GetSecurityDescriptor(wmiSecurityDescriptor)
		DACL = wmiSecurityDescriptor.DACL
		For Each wmiACE In DACL
			Set oTrustee = wmiACE.trustee
			If Len (oTrustee.Domain) > 0 Then 
				Trustee = oTrustee.Domain & "\" & oTrustee.Name
				Trustee = oTrustee.Name
			End If 
			If Len(Trustee) = 0 Then Trustee = "Could not determine"
			Set ACEType = wmiACE.AceType
			Select Case int(wmiACE.AceType)
				Case 0 PermType = "Allow"
				Case 1 PermType = "Deny"
			End Select
			Select Case Int(wmiACE.AccessMask)
				Case 1179817 SharePerm = "Read"
				Case 1245631 SharePerm = "Change"
				Case 2032127 SharePerm = "Full Control"
				Case Else SharePerm = "Access Mask " &  wmiACE.AccessMask 
			End Select
			Dim strShareName, strUNC
			strShareName = objShare.Name
			strUNC = "\\" & strcomputer & "\" & strShareName
			'Don't write data if you printers excluded
			If (bExcludePrinters = False) Or _
			(bExcludePrinters And InStr(1,strShareName,"print",1)= 0)  Then 
				If batch Then 
					EchoAndLog strComputer & vbTab & strShareName & vbtab & objShare.Path & vbtab & _
					Trustee & vbTab &  PermType & ": " & SharePerm & vbTab & strUNC
					message = message & VbCrLf & strShareName & vbTab & objShare.Path & vbtab & _
					Trustee & vbTab &  PermType & ": " & SharePerm & vbTab & strUNC
				End If 
			End If 
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If batch Then 
	If Len(message) > 3 Then 
		message = "Share	Local Path	Trustee	Permissions	UNC Path" & VbCrLf & message
		message = "No shares found"
	End If  
	DisplayIE message 
End If 

'============ Subs ============
Sub EchoAndLog (message)
	'Echo output and write to log
	Wscript.Echo message
	AppendOut.WriteLine message
End Sub  

Sub errhandler(emsg)
	If batch = True Then
		EchoAndLog strComputer & String(6,vbTab) & "Failed. " & emsg
		'MsgBox "Fatal Error. " & emsg,vbCritical + vbOKOnly,strComputer
		DisplayIE emsg
	End If	
End Sub

Sub DisplayIE(strText)
	'Based somewhat on script by Bob Kelly,
	'On Error GoTo 0
	Dim oIE, oDoc
	Dim x, tArray1
	Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
	With oIE
		.AddressBar = False
		.Menubar = True
		.Toolbar = True
		.Resizable = True
		.Height = 600
		.Width = 1000
		.Visible =False 
	End With 
	While oIE.Busy
	   WScript.Sleep 100
	Set oDoc = oIE.Document
	oDoc.Write("<TITLE>Shares and Permissions on " & strComputer & "</TITLE>")& VbCrLf  
	With oDoc
			.writeLn ("<!doctype html public>") 
			.writeLn ("<body style='text-align: Left'>")
			.writeLn ("<style>")
			.writeLn ("BODY {")
			.writeLn ("		background-color : #000080;")
			.writeLn ("		color : #ffffff;")
			.writeLn ("		font-family : Arial;")
			.writeLn ("	}")
			.writeLn ("	TD {")
			.writeLn ("		font-weight: bold;")
			.writeLn ("		font-size: 14px;	")	
			.writeLn ("	}")
			.writeLn ("	</style>")
	End With
	oDoc.Write("<Center><Font size = +3>Shares and Permissions on " & strComputer & "</font></center><br>")& VbCrLf  
	oDoc.Write("<table border = " & quote & "1" & quote & " cellpadding=" & quote & "3" & quote & ">") & VbCrLf
	Dim tArray: tArray = Split(strText,VbCrLf)
	For i = 0 To UBound (tArray)
		If instr(tArray(i),vbTab) Then 
			oDoc.Write "<tr>"
			tArray1 = Split(tArray(i),vbTab)
				For x = 0 To UBound(tArray1)
					oDoc.Write "<td>" & tArray1(x) & "</td>"
			oDoc.Write "</tr>" & VbCrLf 
			oDoc.Write tArray(i)& VbCrLf 
		End If 
 	oDoc.Write("(Note: You must copy and paste UNC Path to view.  IE security model does not permit links to file system)")
 	oIE.Visible = True
End Sub 

'****** End embedded script

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